Мой Барометр.
There was one hanging up in a hotel at Oxford …
at which I was staying last spring, and, when I got there, it was pointing to "set fair." It was simply pouring with rain outside... I tapped the barometer, and it jumped up and pointed to "very dry."(с) :
Let me understand, is this a tree from a seed? you really have green fingers! I sometimes insert an avocado seed in a jar of water and it sprouts out leaves but I never attempted to plant it in a pot.
ОтветитьУдалитьHugs, Drora
Yes, this is a very interesting plant from South Asia. Amorphophallus. It grows like a potato: every year the mother tuber dies, and by autumn a new tuber grows even more. We remove the new tuber for the winter in the dark, and in the spring we put it back in the pot)) Before the rain, raindrops appear on the ends of the leaves. In our family, this plant has been living since the 70s)))