Начинаю новый проект : коттедж CasaRosa. Планирую перейти на новый для себя уровень работы. Коробки отставлены и оставлены, надеюсь, навсегда. А вообще раскроены стены и полы сразу для двух проектов. CasaRosa будет такой :
Все срезы прошпаклевала, но … рано. Буду делать двойные стены и двойной пол. И чтоб направление гофры в двух слоях было перпендикулярно друг другу...Главное, не начать собирать стены, пока все не продумано. Работы, чувствую, много. Делать буду медленно и с удовольствием:
I'm sorry Mieke, what confusion. Maybe you do not understand or I did not understand you, I'm just going to make a house LIKE THAT... I accept your praise as an advance and get to work. Thank you!
It's a beautiful house - I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one develops. Making them from corrugated card is a great idea. I really must see what boxes I can find in the garage! Judith x
This is gorgeous. I know you can totally do it! I can't wait to see yours! And you're right, if I can do it you can most certainly do it. It's super easy once you jump in and you will love it. hugs, Caroline
What an adorable little house, you make lovely mini's.
ОтветитьУдалитьHugs Mieke xxx
I'm sorry Mieke, what confusion. Maybe you do not understand or I did not understand you, I'm just going to make a house LIKE THAT... I accept your praise as an advance and get to work. Thank you!
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's a beautiful house - I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one develops. Making them from corrugated card is a great idea. I really must see what boxes I can find in the garage! Judith x
ОтветитьУдалитьThis is gorgeous. I know you can totally do it! I can't wait to see yours! And you're right, if I can do it you can most certainly do it. It's super easy once you jump in and you will love it.